About Whippets

About Whippets

The whippet is a beautiful and elegant breed developed to course and kill small game.  Prey drive -- the desire to chase a fast moving object, catch it, and grab it -- is still alive and strong in the breed.  Whippets are excellent pets for many people, but prey drive is something the whippet owner should never forget or underestimate.

All whippets are individual and there are exceptions to every rule...but don't get a whippet and expect her to act like the Lab or collie you had as a kid. She won't!

Whippets seem to do better in a two- or multi-dog household.  Most whippets like doggy company as well as human company.  I always tell my puppy buyers that they will be back for another one.  Whippets are the original "potato chip" dog.  No one can have just one!

Read about whippet personality under Whippet Basics

~Thanks to Timbreblue Whippets for the use of this material from their website.

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